
How we achieved a 447.44% increase in organic search traffic


Build on their great media presence with smart SEO, focused predominantly on high quality content, supported by reputable backlinks.

Client Results


increase in website visitors


increase in organic search traffic


increase in the conversion rate

Apr 21 – 21 Oct 21, 2021 vs Apr 21 – Oct 21, 2020


Tote&Carry came to SEO Focused requiring full SEO services. They already had a great media presence and successful advertising campaigns, but knew they were leaving money on the table.

So after an in-depth zoom call with SEO Focused, Tote&Carry quickly moved forward, with the goal of increasing its market share.

The Challenge:

  • Technical SEO was not in place across the website
  • Poor on-page SEO status - taking significant time to fix
  • Non-existent link building and this was because of a lack of knowledge of the importance of acquiring links
  • Shortage of high-quality content focused on key topics
  • Low authority (when that’s a key metric to ranking high)
  • Saturated market so significant work would be required

Strategic SEO Plan:

Start by fixing the fundamentals, namely technical + on-page SEO. Then the development of a comprehensive content strategy before the commencement of link building through high quality websites.

SEO Campaign at work:

  • Deep site-wide audit to find specific on-site issues and fix the issues within the first two months - proving instant results
  • Keyword research and content strategising: Every month 5 blog posts were published centred around key topics to do with totes and bags
  • Strategically (and importantly) all blog posts were created through a content gap analysis amongst competitors
  • Building high quality do-follow backlinks on highly authoritative websites specifically in the lifestyle and entertainment niche. No PBNs - subdomains or web 2.0 blogs
  • Consistent deep-dive into analytics (a continual improvement process) to make better decisions that lead to insightful action-taking - that improves results mid/long-term
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External image

Organic traffic increased by 447.44% during the first active months of SEO
(April – October 2021)

(Organic traffic trends continue to increase month-over-month.)

Problem-solving content:

Because too many brands rely on guesswork before executing their content and that most often leads to poor results.

So instead we need to define the problem and probe deeper into it by asking: “What exactly is going on?”

SEO Focused use various tools to ensure we’re understanding the root cause of a problem (before executing) but also a ‘humanised’ approach that follows the fundamentals of psychology/human behaviour is needed to get best results.

Therefore before finalising your problem-solving content we need to brainstorm and rule out poor options before we can identify the best solutions - write and then publish the content.

Trusted By The Experts

Reviews from our Clients

For SEO Focused, we’re all about you. So your needs come first. We’re here for you every step of the way. Let’s do this together.


Success Page Results:

Tote&Carry received +9000 clicks, a 100x return in total organic clicks per month. They are ranked high for their brand keywords – so all their “Tote&Carry” variations are ranked #1. Overall, from the completed SEO work by SEO Focused, Tote&Carry has a solid foundation for ongoing growth, and 100% understand what’s required next.

After 6 months during a long-term SEO campaign with SEO Focused, Tote&Carry has:

  • Increased traffic by 447.44%
  • Ranked 286+ keywords on page 1
  • Driven up revenue by 139.39%

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