Norse Republics

How we achieved a 261.35% increase in organic search traffic


Fixing the inherent website problems was always the first logical step as this was at the root cause of Norse Republics’ mediocre SEO results.

Client Results


increase in website visitors


increase in organic search traffic


increase in the conversion rate

May 28 – Nov 28, 2021 vs May 28 – Nov 28, 2020


Patrick Richards (Director of Norse Republics) advertised and was persuaded to do business with SEO Focused after viewing their in-depth case studies and wanted the same results for his brand.

Norse Republics had an existing website that was executed with poor planning and thus it created a poor overall user experience.

The Challenge:

  • Bounce rate at 81% was poor/below industry standards
  • Conversion rate at 0.8% was poor/below industry standards
  • Problems with website causing website leads to have a poor customer experience and bounce from the site
  • Confusing non-value adding and duplicate content sitewide – identified through an advanced analytics review/content audit. Overall this content was bringing the whole site down
  • Poor on-page optimisation epitomised by keyword stuffing and irrelevant keyword placement (a big no in SEO)
  • Inherent lack of trust with Google was the core outcome identified after completion of a high-level site assessment

Strategic SEO Plan:

A website overhaul (and much needed) in line with best practices to lay the critical foundations for SEO, before a core focus on results SEO, namely high-quality content, supported by reputable backlinks.

SEO Campaign at work:

  • Assistance with critical website planning and information architecture before a best practice website was executed – involved helping with wireframes (high fidelity mock-ups)
  • Close liaison with web design/development company to not only stress the importance of SEO in the build but to make it a core focus - laying the foundations for all future success
  • Upon receipt of new website the initial focus is on everything within our control – i.e. technical + on-page SEO + development of a winning content marketing strategy
  • Now we’ve completed everything inside our control for SEO - the attention switches to off-page SEO - most notably building high-quality backlinks with great metrics and good traffic
  • Strategically use all available data to fill in any missing gaps in the campaign to consistently improve the results long-term
External image
External image

Organic traffic increased by 261.35% during the first active months of SEO
(May – November 2021)

(Organic traffic trends continue to increase month-over-month.)

Problem-solving content:

In marketing it’s proven that pain is a greater motivator than gain – it leads to higher profits long-term – but if your content is not getting to the root cause of the problem, you’re missing out.

Before a word is written the key to executing problem-solving content correctly is to identify the real need – so don’t think instinct but rather effective research, that probes deep into the heart of the problem, again the root cause (what matters most).

Your products and services are more props that help you tell your story – while problem-solving content gives you the chance to demonstrate your expertise, build trust, and position yourself as an authority in your field, leading to untapped potential.

The pinnacle of problem-solving material? Content demonstrating thought leadership, i.e., content that places you ahead of the problem curve.

Trusted By The Experts

Reviews from our Clients

For SEO Focused, we’re all about you. So your needs come first. We’re here for you every step of the way. Let’s do this together.


Success Page Results:

More qualified leads were received by Norse Republics, and more of those leads were converted, increasing revenue by 121.74% and fostering brand expansion. Norse Republics has heavily reinvested in SEO in order to expand, with the goal of maximising revenue by better identifying and connecting with its target audience.

After 6 months during a long-term SEO campaign with SEO Focused, Norse Republics has:

  • Increased traffic by 261.35%
  • Ranked 238+ keywords on page 1
  • Driven up revenue by 121.74%

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