
How we achieved a 303.92% increase in organic search traffic


Make the website the greatest asset, so fix existing problems first, before building up trust, expertise, and authority with Google.

Client Results


increase in website visitors


increase in organic search traffic


increase in the conversion rate

Jan 4 – Oct 4, 2022 vs Jan 4 – Oct 4, 2021


After reaching out to Nicholas Heatley (Owner of Lonewolf) and highlighting the critical problems with his website (that were easy to fix), Nicholas quickly became interested in SEO Focused’ services.

Lonewolf had a website that was making zero sales but was at a loss what to do next. All Lonewolf knew is they wanted success and despite a limited budget, they wanted to make it happen and quickly.

The Challenge:

  • Client limited by budget and did not want to break the bank
  • Existing website had thin content - a big no in SEO and was at risk of not being deemed an invaluable resource by Google
  • Product pages (the most critical for any E-Commerce site) on the website did not have in-built conversion elements
  • On-page optimisation non-existent – even title tags and meta descriptions were not done the 101’s of on-page SEO
  • Advanced analytics review showed that some components of website were not mobile-friendly and this is fundamental to success
  • Some content across the site did not meet user intent and doing so is critical to optimal results long-term

Strategic SEO Plan:

Full analysis into the fundamental website problems before making fixes. Following this a foundational emphasis on the development of thought leadership content supported by high quality backlinks.

SEO Campaign at work:

  • Proactive communication with the client about the fundamental website problems to ensure we’re both on the same page regarding why we’re making the fixes and how the fixes will lay the platform for all future SEO success long term
  • Baseline drawn (in terms of analytics) of capturing the before the website event and the now – ensuring all relevant SEO progress can not only be tracked but easily improved upon
  • Content audit of top competitors before a high-level analysis of the industry – in this process we identify process gaps and fill these in line with our thought leadership content approach which is the most respected form of content
  • Reverse engineering of top competitors backlinks profiles allowing us to draw insightful conclusions as to not only what type of backlinks we need to build but the metrics behind those backlinks - namely DR and having a decent traffic value
  • SEO campaign execution following a continual improvement process that always leads to the maximum results long-term
External image
External image

Organic traffic increased by 303.92% during the first active months of SEO
(January – October 2022)

(Organic traffic trends continue to increase month-over-month.)

Problem-solving content:

Too many brands merely deal with the symptoms of a problem rather than the real problem. Just Google around and you will find the evidence of the same problems being solved with sameness across the web, so this is your chance to clearly differentiate.

And differentiating starts with a deep dive into your core customers’ needs and wants, starting with creating customer personas, and then evolving where needed.

Also, the temptation for any brand may be just to solve the easier problems, but the money in is the more complicated problems – yes, the ones that are a more tangled mess – so there are big rewards when you go to that extra effort to simplify and make sense of these types of problems, more than you think.

The ultimate for problem-solving content? Thought leadership content, i.e., content that gets you ahead of the problem curve.

Trusted By The Experts

Reviews from our Clients

For SEO Focused, we’re all about you. So your needs come first. We’re here for you every step of the way. Let’s do this together.


Success Page Results:

Lonewolf saw a 146.74% increase in revenue as a result of a surge in quality leads and a subsequent increase in conversions. Lonewolf has poured resources into SEO for its growth, with the goal of increasing sales even further through a deeper connection to the company's ideal customer. Lonewolf is currently achieving this goal.

After 9 months during a long-term SEO campaign with SEO Focused, Lonewolf has:

  • Increased traffic by 303.92%
  • Ranked 284+ keywords on page 1
  • Driven up revenue by 146.74%

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