Kieran Duffey

How we achieved a 272.39% increase in organic search traffic


Following a SEO roadmap, Kieran Duffey now has Australia wide reach, is growing exponentially, and is one of the top copywriters in Australia.

Client Results


increase in website visitors


increase in organic search traffic


increase in the conversion rate

Mar 15 – Nov 15, 2022 vs Mar 15 – Nov 15, 2021


Kieran Duffey (Owner of his brand) suffered from the number 1 problem for a copywriter - that ‘you can only write so quickly’ and was time poor. Thus, he approached SEO Focused for SEO services.

Kieran Duffey (already knowledgeable in SEO) was doing SEO but with time constraints knew he was not maximising his SEO results. So Kieran knew he needed to leverage by outsourcing.

The Challenge:

  • Great outsourcing knowledge but previous bad experiences
  • Decent reach in local city but not Australia wide
  • Links virtually non-existent through a result of Kieran Duffey being time poor and unable to build ongoing webmaster relationships that could prove lucrative long-term
  • No landing pages created for main Australian cities/towns which was needed to achieve a great Australian reach
  • Low domain authority and low trust flow which could only be changed through effective and high-quality SEO

Strategic SEO Plan:

Elimination of guesswork and instead Kieran Duffey following a SEO Roadmap developed by SEO focused, only concentrating on what was important, driving increased targeted traffic to Kieran Duffey.

SEO Campaign at work:

  • Analysis of key target Australian cities/towns with adequate search volume for Kieran Duffey’s copywriting service
  • Execution of chosen Australian city/town location pages – importantly the pages are built with 90 to 95% unique content/image alt tags as well as being on-page optimised
  • Strict step-by-step adherence to the SEO roadmap – as this is a highly strategic document that keeps all SEO-related activities on track - eliminates errors and streamlines decision making. Essentially it’s a high-level checklist but much more
  • Prioritisation of SEO activities that will bring most results - namely high-quality content (controlled by Kieran Duffey) and reputable backlinks that are supported by high-value metrics
  • Continual refinement of SEO strategy based on output from analytics tools/standards that drive actionable decisions
External image
External image

Organic traffic increased by 272.39% during the first active months of SEO
(March – November 2022)

(Organic traffic trends continue to increase month-over-month.)

Problem-solving content:

Sounds obvious that any content should solve a problem or problems, but the average brand is busy and therefore content intended to solve problems, may miss the mark completely.

Creating problem-solving content starts with noticing an issue and identifying the root cause – because only when we’re right at the root can we create effective content that will resonate.

The content-type chosen is also important for problem-solving content – so not all content will be suited to a blog post and therefore we need to consider all the various types.

Different types of content to consider are emails, social media, guides, eBooks, videos, webinars, blog posts, and more.

Trusted By The Experts

Reviews from our Clients

For SEO Focused, we’re all about you. So your needs come first. We’re here for you every step of the way. Let’s do this together.


Success Page Results:

The SEO roadmap was key to success, only focusing on what mattered. It resulted in conversions increasing by 328.94%, driving up revenue substantially, allowing Kieran to reinvest back into his business, and then grow even more. Kieran Duffey now has Australia wide reach with his copywriting service and is working towards his goal to becoming one of Australia’s top copywriters.

After 8 months following a SEO Roadmap during a long-term SEO campaign with SEO Focused, Kieran Duffey has:

  • Increased conversions by 328.94%
  • Ranked all targeted keywords on page 1
  • Achieve a ROI of 557.76%

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