
How we achieved a 600.56% increase in organic search traffic


The overall strategy boiled down to “creating the best page on the internet to represent the query” – exactly what Google is looking for.

Client Results


increase in website visitors


increase in organic search traffic


increase in the conversion rate

Feb 12 – Aug 12, 2019 vs Feb 12 – Aug 12, 2018


InVideo is a powerful, online video editor that sells a subscription service to customers.

They approached SEO Focused with clear cut goals and objectives:

• Increase organic visits to the website via organic search

• Increase overall SEO rankings for their sales keywords, specifically for the keyword “create Facebook video ads”

• Increase their overall organic sales revenue

The Challenge:

  • Competitive market meaning results would take time
  • Multiple issues with inVideo’s on-page SEO
  • Problems with structured data and schema markup
  • Deep-dive into their analytics showed poor click-through rates namely through a lack of persuasive content
  • Keywords incorrectly used on website pages
  • Not all content fulfilled user intent
  • Landing pages not developed in line with best practices

Strategic SEO Plan:

Create beautiful + fast + contextual landing pages and explode organic traffic growth for inVideo with 100% white hat and high-quality link building, driven by authority and high value.

SEO Campaign at work:

  • Analysis of all the different ways a searcher might be looking for this information – including what order it is presented in
  • Implementation of technical content changes + adding in the structured data and optimisation of the on-page SEO according to a checklist - before beginning the link building campaign
  • Sourcing of the right links according to the industry and the competitors that inVideo was facing and up against
  • Acquiring the highest quality links with the best metrics to maximise results - specifically links with a DR 30 to DR 80+ - spam score of less than 5% - and a minimum organic traffic of 1000
  • 150 to 250 links/month were built with a budget of $20000 USD per month – getting their DR from 50 to 80. So overall the investment was decent but needed to get the results
External image
External image

Organic traffic increased by 600.56% during the first active months of SEO (February – August 2019)

(Organic traffic trends continue to increase month-over-month.)

Problem-solving content:

Understanding the audience through a customer-centric approach – done through creating customer personas and mapping the content in line with the customer’s journey.

Knowing who we’re talking to and the content to craft at which stage of the buying cycle – executed with content that is relevant - sparks interest and hits different touchpoints.

Integrating the content marketing campaign with SEO – so users come first but the copy needs to be optimised for Google otherwise you risk creating great content that never gets found.

Overall not producing generic content for a wider audience but rather focused content that will resonate and convert better.

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Reviews from our Clients

For SEO Focused, we’re all about you. So your needs come first. We’re here for you every step of the way. Let’s do this together.


Success Page Results:

Again, it must be noted that inVideo were spending close to USD 20,000 per month on link building. This is around the ballpark figure for most big companies when it comes to their link building activities. It’s a huge part of ongoing SEO growth and inVideo spent a lot of resources on it which is why they’ve got such incredible results.

These graphs show you the power of link building.

So after 6 months during a long-term SEO campaign with SEO Focused, inVideo (from link building alone) has:

  • Increased organic traffic going from roughly 200000 per month to 1200000 -1500000 per month
  • Seen multiple keywords being registered monthly
  • Ranked over 50000 keywords in the top 10 and many in the top 3

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