Ray White Green Valley

How we achieved a 317.24% increase in organic search traffic


Through a focus on relevance, Ray White Green Valley received more targeted leads, more of which they converted, driving brand growth.

Client Results


increase in website visitors


increase in organic search traffic


increase in the conversion rate

Jul 1 – Dec 31, 2021 vs Jul 1 – Dec 31, 2020


Before approaching SEO Focused, Ray White Green Valley was frustrated by previous SEO efforts that ‘did nothing’ in their opinion and even requested a refund from a previous SEO provider.

SEO Focused’ no fluff and results only SEO approach is what appealed to Ray White; hence they moved forward right away.

The Challenge:

  • Overcoming mindset of poor previous results
  • Trust issues created through previous SEO providers
  • Client information overload
  • Which advice is correct? For e.g. the client was of the belief they needed a landing page
  • Highly competitive market so results would take time
  • Lack of high quality new and fresh content
  • Restricted access to client’s platform (WordPress)

Strategic SEO Plan:

A focus on relevance (not just general SEO tactics). So the goal was to have the content matching the search query as close as possible, meaning there would be a greater likelihood of high rankings.

SEO Campaign at work:

  • Advanced analytics review conducted to draw a baseline – consisting of measuring - analysing - reporting and acting
  • Comprehensive competitor analysis executed – to leverage and reverse engineer from what is already working for top brands that are not only direct but indirect competitors
  • Keyword research to identify top priority keywords to target using manual - semi-automated - and automated tools
  • Content marketing strategy developed with the goal of building target audience trust - developing relationships - improving conversions - and importantly generating leads
  • Technical SEO + on-page SEO + off-page SEO (namely link building) with a constant refinement of the SEO strategy

Organic traffic increased by 317.24% during the first active months of SEO
(July – December 2021)

(Organic traffic trends continue to increase month-over-month.)

Problem-solving content:

Involves peeling back the request, by sometimes working with the requestor, to understand the real need or problem.

Wide range of problem-solving tools used to probe further into the problem – this includes flowcharts, strategy maps, mental maps, idea maps, concept maps, charting software, and more.

Prioritising/selecting alternatives for a solution without bias and based on brand goals. Executed content must be comprehensive to ensure all problems are solved for best results.

Establish ongoing measures and monitoring to evaluate long-term results based on a final solution (continual improvement).

Trusted By The Experts

Reviews from our Clients

For SEO Focused, we’re all about you. So your needs come first. We’re here for you every step of the way. Let’s do this together.

Success Page Results:

Ray White Green Valley received more targeted leads, more of which they converted, resulting in a revenue increase of 110.15%, driving brand growth. To grow further, Ray White has reinvested significantly into SEO, with a view of increasing its brand awareness and better reaching its target audience, to maximise revenue.

After 6 months during a long-term SEO campaign with SEO Focused, Ray White Green Valley has:

  • Increased traffic by 317.24%
  • Ranked 157+ keywords on page 1
  • Driven up revenue by 110.15%

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